


The study shows that an artificial intelligence-based method for detecting tumor DNA in the blood has unprecedented sensitivity in predicting cancer recurrence. 

14 June 2024, 13:37


The number of people aged 65 years and older with type 1 diabetes increased from 1.3 million in 1990 to 3.7 million in 2019, while the death rate fell by 25%.

13 June 2024, 11:02


Brain scans of more than 2,000 pre-teens found that early exposure to heat and cold can have long-term effects on the microstructure of the brain's white matter, especially in those living in low-income areas.

12 June 2024, 13:50


The WHO has blamed four major industries - tobacco, ultra-processed foods (UPF), fossil fuels and alcohol - for 2.7 million annual deaths in Europe, accusing them of obstructing public policies that could harm their profits.

12 June 2024, 13:58

Clinic news


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