

Ultra-sensitive liquid biopsy technology detects cancer before standard methods

The study shows that an artificial intelligence-based method for detecting tumor DNA in the blood has unprecedented sensitivity in predicting cancer recurrence. 

14 June 2024, 13:27

Study Says Large Irises Make People More Attractive

New research has explored how a person's eyes affect their perceived attractiveness. Researchers conducted six experiments testing the effect of pupil size on attractiveness. 

13 June 2024, 18:44

Increasing your choline intake may help reduce your risk of heart disease

Choline, an important nutritional component found in animal and plant foods, is gaining attention for its potential benefits for heart health, although its role in atherosclerosis remains a matter of debate.

13 June 2024, 12:58

Why do non-smoking lung cancer patients have worse outcomes?

Researchers have discovered a reason why targeted treatments for non-small cell lung cancer don't work for some patients, especially those who have never smoked.

13 June 2024, 12:30

Researchers are studying the safety, effectiveness and bioactivity of herbal drugs

Herbal medicines with a history of thousands of years are an integral part of traditional health systems around the world. 

13 June 2024, 10:55

Patients with periodontitis have a significantly increased risk of stroke before age 50

Periodontitis, inflammation of the structures that support teeth, significantly increases the risk of stroke in people under 50 with no known predisposing causes. 

13 June 2024, 10:47

Sugary drinks disrupt the composition of the salivary microbiome

A recent study published in the journal Scientific Reports reports potentially pathogenic changes in the oral microbiota after consuming sugar-rich beverages.

13 June 2024, 10:29

First clinical trial shows safety and effectiveness of CAR T therapy for prostate cancer

Patients with prostate cancer can be safely treated with cellular immunotherapy with promising therapeutic activity.

13 June 2024, 10:23

Artificial intelligence is better at detecting prostate cancer on MRI than radiologists

Artificial intelligence detects prostate cancer more often than radiologists. In addition, AI is half as likely to cause false alarms. 

12 June 2024, 19:32

Nasal microbiota - a potential diagnostic biomarker of sepsis

The microbiota of the nasal passages of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) effectively distinguishes sepsis from nonseptic cases and outperforms gut microbiota analysis in predicting sepsis, according to a new study.

12 June 2024, 18:05


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