
Researchers recommend infant brain scans to reduce stroke risk



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21 May 2024, 16:25

Non-invasive brain scans for children under 1 year of age can identify risk factors and reduce the likelihood of stroke later in life, say researchers from the University of South Australia.

In a groundbreaking study, scientists found that despite medical improvements, patterns of brain aneurysms remain stable over time, meaning variations in brain blood vessels can be easily detected early in life.

Published in BMJ Open, the study analyzed 260 years of data to systematically assess long-term trends in brain aneurysms that may cause stroke.

Globally, stroke is the second leading cause of death. Every year, 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. Of these, 5 million die and another 5 million are permanently disabled, placing a significant burden on families, communities and the economy.

In Australia, statistics show that stroke kills more women than breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer. Among the Australian population, a stroke occurs every 19 minutes.

More than 80% of strokes can be prevented. The estimated cost of one stroke is around $300,000 in Australia, so identifying early signs is not only key to prevention, but also a step towards saving millions.

Leading researcher and neuroanatomy expert and UniSA Senior Lecturer in Anatomy and Neuroanatomy Dr Arjun Burlakoti says identifying variations in cerebral blood vessels in children could prevent strokes later in life.

"A cerebral, or cerebral, aneurysm is a bulging of an artery toward the brain. It is caused by a weakness in the artery wall. If a cerebral aneurysm ruptures, it can cause a stroke," says Dr. Burlakoti.

"Cerebral aneurysms can develop at any age. Although the most common age for diagnosis is between 31 and 60 years, the incidence of cerebral aneurysms in children is almost equivalent to that in adults. The incidence of childhood aneurysms may be comparable to that in adults because children have a much shorter lifespan than adults.

"Our study shows that aneurysms form and rupture for intrinsic reasons, and that any variations in the brain's blood vessels are likely present from birth.

"This means that if we can identify variations in the brain's arterial network in childhood, we can more actively monitor and test at-risk individuals throughout their lives."

The researchers recommend using noninvasive transcranial Doppler ultrasound to scan infants and children for variations in the brain's blood vessels. The painless test uses sound waves to examine blood flow in and around the brain and detect variations in blood vessels.

They say the screening method could allow for early intervention and potentially prevent aneurysms and stroke-related complications.

"Screening for arterial component variations in children, especially under 2 years of age, could be a practical tool to detect variations in the cerebral arteries," says Dr. Burlakoti.

"It's a safe, noninvasive screening test that provides families with a path for regular follow-up if any variations are detected.

"If you can reduce your risk with a simple screening test, why not do it?"

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